mardi 1 décembre 2015

DJI put unmanned aircraft at a cost of $ 15,000 to squirt agricultural crops
Unknown04:08 0 comments

Company entered DJI for the manufacture of drones, or what is known as the Drunz agricultural airspace with the launch aircraft Agras MG-1 allocated to squirt agricultural crops, valued at US $ 15,000.
Although it has been most of the design of unmanned aircraft sold today for recreational use such as flying in the air within the backyard of the house or to register the user's own adventures in the outdoor entertainment videos, but they are no longer used only within this area.
The Chinese company has designed the latest model of unmanned aircraft for use in spraying pesticides on crops by tank capacity of 2.6 gallons.
And the aircraft, which has eight propellers to fly for 12 minutes within the period per the time of shipping, says DJI company that can plane sprayed between 7 and 10 acres of agricultural land per hour, depending on the terrain that must be covered, and without the time it takes account to charge their batteries.
In addition, the plane Agras MG-1 dust-proof, and has a cooling system to keep the internal parts in good condition and extend the life of the aircraft.
The best feature is the possibility of the plane carried programmed to cover a specific geographic area in advance and automatically, and can be ordered in advance today in China, and soon in South Korea and other markets.
Chinese DJI one company and one of the largest manufacturers of consumer unmanned aerial vehicles in the world, valuing the company at about $ 8 billion, and this model is the first unmanned aircraft are used within this area.
And it is one of the big challenges that will face these forms of pilots within the field of agricultural work air is absorptive capacity allocated to the trip limited in general within drones and time, is also facing the possibility that it will not be suitable for large farms such as those in the United States.
According to the Wall Street Journal, this model could face a loss in front of a small aircraft that are currently used to spray hundreds of gallons of pesticides and non-relatively inexpensive in their work.
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About The Author Ali Bajwa Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore. Magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Facebook and Twitter


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